œKonshouji Temple 1394 Arahari, Rittou city, Shiga prefecture1394@

Temple of Tendai Sect showing a quiet appearance near top of Mt.Konshou (604.7m). Ryouben (687-773) opened base in Nara period and later Ganan built cathedral on the top of the mountain praying the national peace. It became a temple of the imperial prayer.

Minamoto no Yoritomo, Yoshitsune, Ashikaga Takauji, Yoshiakira and other many people were converted in the Middle Ages and made the center of the Konan Buddhism culture. When you reach the approach to the temple, you can Deva gate, main hall at one step up and Nigatsu-do hall standing to the right in the front. The old figure seems to let you rather learn a peace of mind.

The wooden Akasa-garbha-bodhisattva semi-lotus position image enshrined in left side Kokuzodo of the main hall of a Buddhist temple is Bodhisattvas with large wisdom and good luck believed in as " 13 visits' Buddha".

Wooden sitting statue of Shaka Nyorai?Wooden standing statue of the wisdom king Kundali Wooden Akasa-garbha-bodhisattva semi-lotus position image Wooden god of treasure statue Wooden guardian deity of children sedentary image


Public Transportation : Take JR Biwako line, get off at Rittou station with 40 minutes walk

@@@Car : 25 minutes from Meishin Expressway Rittou IC