œTakebe Taisha 1-16-1 Jinryou Otsu city, Shiga prefecture

About 500m east of Seta no Krahashi. This shrine being said to be Oumi Ichinomiya is a national leading old shrine with a long history. The deity is YamatoTakerunomikoto. It was respected deeply by successive imperial courts from the long time ago and was revered by numerous military commanders. Especially in the end of Heian period when Minamoto no Yoritomo was caught by Heike and on his way to be exiled to Izu, he dropped in at Takebe Taisha and prayed for Genji's restoration. Then since his wish came true brilliantly, it collected faith as God of good fortune of battle.


Public Transporation : Get off at JR Biwako line Riottou station with 40 minutes walk

@@@Car : 25 minutes from Meishin Expressway Rittou IC